Objective - FOSS App Reviews

General Objective is to come up with a place for app reviews for the FOSS community. Like so many users, we use FDroid for Android. It is great, and nice, and not without its own faults or certain things it is lacking. One thing its lacking, especially when you compare it to other “app stores” is a review sections. Granted, the objective of FDroid is not to provide a review and scores.

SSH Config

SSH Config I am not exactly sure where to put this post, as I am using this more for git, but this is its own topic, that is SSH. The issue that I am running across is having multiple SSH keys for different purposes, and how to organize them and use them properly in the SSH config. This will be more advanced and not how to use or setup the SSH Config file ( typically located at ~/.

Oh-My-Zsh Plugins

Just writing to put my thoughts about some ‘Oh-my-zsh’ plugins. For those that have a ZSH, I recommend getting ‘Oh-My-Zsh’. I am particular about the view of my command line, as everyone is, and this just helps me customize it. See over for how to setup ‘Oh-My-Zsh’. There is a “Powershell” version which I used and also recommend, I actually heard about that one before ‘Oh-My-Zsh’. The Powershell is ‘Oh-My-PSH’, “PSH” being an abbreviation for “PowerShell”.

Keychron V10 - My first mechanical keyboard

Intro I have been wanting a mechanical keyboard for a while. Starting about 5 years ago, I did some research on a “quiet” keyboard, mostly because I was trying to be a considerate person as a coworker. I was at a company where we had about 12 people in an old upper manager office…and then we added another 12 people, even though it was already very cramped. Doing some research someone suggested a mechanical keyboard.

Go - Consul Get KV

Overview Recently I was requested to connect to an instance of Consul to grab some information for a project. I have never heard of Consul before. There is many things that it can do and has built right into it. One of the features it has is a “Key / Value Store”. An organization or person can spin up an instance of Consul and store some basic information in it. Here I am learning and sharing.

Org Mode Apps Search for a mobile Org Mode App A few years ago I discovered Org Mode. I had even already been using Git for many years at various intensities and various forms. I used emacs briefly, so I was never directly exposed to Org Mode. Also, I never used Markdown until about 4 years ago. I heard of it, never interested me as I just wrote my notes in the comments of code or just in plain text or whatever BRD (Business Requirements Document) that was required of me at the time.

Git Update on Windows

Git Client Update This is different than downloading or updating the Git Client, Git Server or Git 3rd Party tool (such as Ankh, TortoiseGit, TFS, GitLab, GitKraken, GLO, GitHub Desktop or VisualEyes). This is just for the core of git that many of those will rest upon. Often, those tools will rely on this foundation in order to run properly or for certain commands. Sometimes, some of the tools come with their own install bundled within the software to ensure compatibility and not rely on the local install and not have the private installed accessible outside of the tool.

Google Map Place Autocomplete API

Google Map (Places and Place Details) - Autocomplete API Documentation Standard Pricing In 2017 & 2018 Google changed the pricing of their APIs. Part of the API is with a subscription to the Google Cloud Platform, which is $200 / mo and you get free credit of $200 / mo, plus a the first X amount of each different API request free/included. With the change, there is much to be done.

Blogging with Atom and Markdown

Markdown Overview The purpose of this post is to go over some of the basic logic that I am using when I blog with Markdown. Some things will be explained, but I will try to keep it short and leave the details for other posts. General Formatting There is a few flavors to use and with each flavor there is usually some room for variance. Such as using ** or __ (two astericks or two underscores) to say that the word is bold.

Hugo Front-Matter

What is Front-Matter? Tommy, Jason, and Yaml - Front-Matter Languages? Ok, its not really “Tommy” and “Jason”. Atom Packages Everyone is going to have a different style of how they want to do things. This is my style and let me try to justify it. language-markdown by burodepeper Install: 195,561 Atom Page: Repo: Description: markdown-writer by zhuochun Installs: Atom Page: Repo: Description: Review: markdown-table-editor by susisu Installs: Atom Page: Repo: Description: Review: I personally love this one.